Lawrence Kohlbergs' levels and stages of moral development.
1. Preconventional: Not yet developed moral reasoning
A. Punishment- No moral reasoning Avoidance of unpleasant consequence just Behaviouristic response.
B. Hedonism - surrender to pleasure, her own personal pleasure. Do what we do to get what we desire.
2. Conventional: Moral reasoning has developed
A. "Nice girl/nice boy" - Is about social approval.
B. Law and Order - Law is the law
3. Postconventional: Moved beyond
A. Social contract - Unstated rules we live by. Mechanism for solidarity. Give respect, get respect.
B. Universal ethical - Only great moral figures such as Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, etc.
At which stage do you see yourself?
I think this is a bit of a loaded question. It is difficult to think about oneself and try to decide which category we should place ourselves. I could see myself in several of these stages and be dealing with more than one at one a time, but if I had to chose I guess I would have to say that I am "3A." As a person gets older common sense tends to play a keen role in this model, although these days common sense doesn't always seems fitting to its' name. You have to go through each step and master it before you can move on. I know I may not be wise in years, but I am definitely wise in experience. The notes that I took down to describe this stage is what first caught my eye, and the more I think into it, the more befitting it becomes.
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