Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Entry 18 - Shawn Achor Video

FEB 17 Shawn Achor video

The Idea of Positive Psychology

Mindset shapes the experience of happiness.
Happiness - relationships and social bonds are very important.
Progress paradox - becoming less happy with the introduction of new technologies.
Need to study very healthy not just unhealthy.
We have what we study.
Positive psychology is the study of human potential.
Hard work and success equals happiness in the future? Nope
Happy before the activity success rate is increased by fifty percent.
Primed for happiness secures a better result.
Smiles and happiness can spread the same as frowns and depression.

Questions for ponder....
1. How do you respond to what he has to say?
2. How does it resonate with your own life and experiences?
3. What about as a student? 
4. How might teaches apply this?


1. I think that he has caught onto a great idea with this "positive psychology" and that everyone should listen to this speech! I have the TED app on my Ipad and I have posted the video to my facebook profile to share his ideologies. I think that everyone could benefit from some positivity in their lives!
2. I am always about looking for the bright side of things and try to keep a very positive attitude towards people and life. I have actually cut people out of my life for being negative and bringing my moral down. Who wants to have people like that around?! Not me! I believe in his statement that if we are primed for happiness we will perform at a higher rate and be more happy and content with life. For me this means getting my partner to send me a nice text message so I can wake up to it in the morning. Loving words from my significant other boosts my mood immediately and provides that spring in my step, or the smile on my face. 
3. This should be a very important theme for a student to follow if they should so chose to follow anything. Being happy is a major top priority in many lives and provides a good foundation. Happiness, to me, is a building block for having a complete life. I find that it is hard to concentrate and focus on schoolwork if I am unhappy or stressed.
4. Teachers could apply the idea of "positive psychology" by instilling motivation in their students to work hard and be successful. Perhaps they could suggest to students to do something they enjoy, whether it be reading a book, baking a cake, or laying out in the sun for an hour before getting down to work on homework or a project.  

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