Monday, April 2, 2012

Entry 13 - Intelligence Quotent (IQ)


IQ definition (Rob): standardized test to measure a persons intelligence. Textbook def - a simple way to describe intelligence by assigning it a number that represents the ratio of mental to chronological age, multiplied by 100. Average IQ is therefore 100 and is based on a comparison between an individuals performance and that of other comparable people.

Mental age - Alyshia is 8, scores the IQ of an 7 year old. She has a mental age of 7
Chronological age - Alyshia is 8, performs at the level of an 8 year old - she has an chronological age of 8

Mean IQ is 100.
 IQ formula - IQ = MA/CA x 100 (mental age/chronological age)
Brandon is 10 performs at the level at an average 8 year old. 8/10 x100= 80. 10 year old Brit performs at the age of an 12 year old. IQ=12/10=120
Normal distribution/ bell curve / standard distribution. Horizontal line represents the value. The middle line equals the average (is the mean). Bottom is the standard deviation. 1 standard deviation equals 15 points. Middle equals 100.  

Myths of IQ
1. Measures some mysterious property (intelligence) "vague property." It actually just measures performance on that test on that day.
2. Score does not change or cannot change.
3. Measures the only important thing about people. It does not measure social skills!!
1 truth- IQ score does predict academic success. IQ is positively correlated with high academic success. 

Alyshia's Thoughts on IQ

To me IQ is not of huge importance. Of course it needs to play a role in everyday life, but I do not need to be (nor need my partner to be) a genius in order to live and love my life. I do, however, enjoy finding someone I can hold an intelligent conversation with and pride myself on my passion for learning and soaking up all the knowledge I can. Some days I wish that I could have been blessed with the ability to achieve good grades without studying my butt off, but all in all I am pretty satisfied =)

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