Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Entry 21 - Functional Approach



Not just looking at the surface, asking yourself the question of why? Why is she doing that? What need is trying to be met by displaying this behavior?
A lot deeper than operant conditioning.

1. Functional analysis: examines a students inappropriate behavior as well as its antecedents( what comes before) and it's consequences to determine the function that the behavior might serve for the student.

2. ABC: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence (what happened before, what happened, what happened after) - For a critical incident report. ABC is an example of a functional behavior analysis.

3. Positive Behavior Support: is what we do after the fact of an incident...how we can help the child learn a communication strategy, or conflict resolution. How can we help a child learn the skills to behavior.

4. Strategies
1.Teach desirable behaviors
2. Consistently reinforce the new behavior in a way that the student truly appreciates
3. In your class, have predictable routines. (reduces anxiety & helps to make the students feel comfortable)
4. Provide frequent opportunities for choice.
5. Provide adaptations to support academic success.

BLOG. A student in your class Cody refuses to do his desk work. What are three possible purposes or functions for this behavior. Please suggest an alternative behavior he can learn or adopt to meet each purpose or function.

Video John hunter on the world peace game
a world peace game He has created
What do you want to do? Question the superintendent asked when asked what does he do with teaching gifted children.
Different teachers you've had can come out of you.
Collective wisdom is greater than that of one person.
Spontaneous compassion
Self learning.

Invitation - share thoughts on adopting this kind of student-centered work in your classroom.

Provocation- ummm in case you don't know, building world peace is beyond h curricular outcomes of the k-12 classroom

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