Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Entry 19 - Service Delivery Models

MAR 1 & 2 EDPY


Service delivery models

1. Special education class - Learning and behavior support. Everyone has an individualized program. Learn how to manage their own behavior. Praise works far more effective then criticism. Ex) Marbles in jar - marbles as a reward for good behavior as a class - jar filled equals a pizza party.
2. Resource room / withdrawal model - The kids are together for most of the class (day) and part of the day they are taken from class and put into programs in other parts of the school.
3. Inclusive classroom - Organized around a sense of community - everyone belonging and being educated together well. (included)

Video - problem ownership.
Processing, motivation and perception.
Storage and retrieve.
Associative - can do several things at once.
Cognitive - one thing at a time.

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